Cover the pudding with plastic wrap. Place a plate on top and weight with cans, a brick, whatever – you want the plate to press firmly on the pudding. Place in the fridge and try not to think about it for at least 8 hours, because you can’t have it yet!
When you’re ready to serve the pudding, remove the top layer of plastic, place the bowl upside down on a plate, and use the bottom (now top) layer of plastic to help the pudding release from the bowl. It should come out in one piece. If it doesn’t, it’s not the end of the world; honestly, the finished product can look slightly Frankensteinian anyway. It’s meant to be homey! Besides, now you’re going to smother it in whipped cream, homemade or from a can.
Present the whole thing at the table, for dessert or a delightful breakfast. Serve it up into bowls with a spatula or a big spoon, and delight in the bounty of summer.
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