Ah, my vegetarian readers. You know I love you, don’t you? I do. I promise. Now, you might want to go away for this one. The same goes for anyone with religious or other proscriptions against eating pork. Because what I’m talking about today is a matanza, which is quite simply an orgy of pig-eating….
Eating ABQ: Banh Mi Coda
The pork meatball banh mi at Banh Mi Coda Welcome to a new obsession: banh mi. These delicious sandwiches – a sort of Vietnamese sub – may seem an unlikely Asian food, depending as they do on fresh baguettes. They make sense, though, when you realize that Vietnam was influenced by France since the 17th…
Eating ABQ: Van Rixel Bros. Gelato & Sorbet
Calling me a locavore would be like calling a meal vegetarian because there’s broccoli and a baked potato next to the steak. I love trying and collecting foodstuffs from all over the world – my pantry is crammed with Asian condiments and imported olive oils. But few things thrill me more than really good local…