I’m rescuing this recipe from the archives. A few nights ago I looked it up and cooked it for dinner, and I was surprised and dismayed to see that I had made some big errors. The kind of errors that make readers really annoyed with you. Most notably, I had failed to explain where to use the nutritional yeast listed in the ingredients.
I’ve also gotten a lot more comfortable with the writing and pictures for this blog in the two years since this recipe first went up. I was surprised and pleased to see how much I’ve progressed in both areas – but on the other hand, I wished I’d given this recipe, a long-time favorite, a better platform. So I retook the photos and retooled the write-up. I hope now more people will find this comforting, delicious vegan recipe from Crescent Dragonwagon.
Dragonwagon was one of the first cookbook writers to really inspire me. I’ve never met her – though possibly the most exhilarating result of this blog was an e-mail from her thanking me for posting her recipe for a Kenyan bean stew called Maharagwe – but I consider her a mentor. Her cookbook Soup & Bread was a bible for me when I started cooking experimentally, reaching outside the food vocabulary I learned from my mother. This homey yet slightly exotic dish is from her tome The Passionate Vegetarian, a thousand-page labor of love.
1 tablespoon mirin or sherry
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