Wow. I didn’t mean to take almost a month off from posting for the holidays! I’ve missed you all.
I actually spent a lot of the past month cooking. I tried a lot of interesting projects, many of them baked goods – decorated gingerbread cookies, rolled-up jam-filled cookies, knish. They ranged from tasty to delicious, but none were so amazing that they warranted throwing off the “unfussy” label and telling you to run out and make them yourselves.
So, as January winds into February, we’ll get back to normal around here. I’m really excited about a recipe from Madhur Jaffrey’s Quick & Easy Indian Cooking – an unexpected and wonderful gift from a friend – for frozen peas in spicy cream sauce. I expect it to return dividends far in excess of the effort put into it. Because, in the kitchen, on this blog, and as much as possible in everyday life, that’s my philosophy: Low effort, high reward.
Even as I page through my brand-new, boulder-heavy copy of Modernist Cuisine at Home (another wonderful gift), the essence of which is about as fussy as it gets, I’m thinking in those terms – how can I apply these techniques in ways that make my food more delicious without adding hours to my time in the kitchen?
As I find answers, I will share them with you. Happy New Year. May 2013 be a wonderful journey!
Talk to me!